Friday, July 8, 2011

Best to me...

Seeking for Horizons..
Normalizing the hot,
Collecting the expectations.
I sat down by the edge of the mount,
With anxious eyes..
 seeing nothing..
But, fragment of a beam..
             * * *
Oh! Dazzling one
Daring to open that
It is beyond my  exotic eyes…
            * * *
A little beam,
Tinged with red
Penetrating to my sullen eyes.
             * * *
small beam..
straightly towards…
through the blushing snow,
and expanse of plants.
            * * *
A little bird..
Damp and cheeky, 
With plumage brown.
Beside, flutters down..
A moment chirps its little strain
Chirps again and hopes alone…
            * * *
I see some hope…
Eagerly awaiting..
Horizontal touchings..
Galvanizing the nature..
arranges her lap for all and all.
            * * *
Trees were mum..
As they thought of what they had done at the day break.
The day begins….